In which a school-loving graduate student reflects on the balance and intersections among her life as a doctoral candidate, her love of all things knitting-related, and her adventures mothering an amazing boy along with her wife!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Greetings from the depths

....of work, that is. It's a super duper amazingly busy week in the teaching world for me. I am doing the main lecture in my course that I am the teaching fellow for. Two times. That's an extra six hours of teaching. The first session was tonight, and it went well, I believe.

Then, add to that two sessions of another course, where I'll be running class for a small group. Six more hours of teaching.

On top of my usual two hour-long sections which take enough prep in and of themselves.

So, fourteen hours of teaching. Doesn't sound like much, but boy does it take me out of me. But I do so love it.

So for now, I'm waving from the depths of "busyness" and looking forward to emerging triumphant on the other end.

Oh, and that December project is still forthcoming. And 'twill be fun!


Anonymous said...

I used to think that fourteen hours wasn't very many to work in a week. The catch is how much the fourteen hours take to generate. If you just had to show up for the fourteen hours, that'd be one thing. But generating fourteen good hours...

megin said...

yeah, it's the generating. the planning, the energy it takes to be "on" in front of many people, managing a conversation, etc. phew. i'm still in recovery mode, but definitely feeling more whole.