In which a school-loving graduate student reflects on the balance and intersections among her life as a doctoral candidate, her love of all things knitting-related, and her adventures mothering an amazing boy along with her wife!

Monday, February 11, 2008

One day, three blizzards

I can't say that I've ever truly been in a blizzard. Huge snowstorms, yes. A blizzard, no. As a young 'un I used to dream of being in a blizzard as I read Little House on the Prairie books. Somehow it seemed exciting and dreamy. I'm sure it was hellish in reality, but I'm a sucker for snow, what can I say. Always have been, always will be.

Yesterday, however, was perhaps my first time. And I got to experience it three times over.

It started as a normal day with some sun. As the day progressed, the clouds rolled in. As I sat working in my tree house of an office, I watched it become darker outside as the cloud cover rolled in. Then, all of a sudden I heard the wind whip up, and upon looking out I saw what I can only call snow madness. Snow was coming down hard. I couldn't see very far beyond our yard. It was snowing up. It was snowing down. Really, in all directions. I watched it cover the neighbor's roof in a matter of seconds. And then, as fast as it started, it stopped. Within 10 minutes, the sun came out again, and I heard the telltale dripping sound of melting snow. Within 30 minutes, you'd never have known it had just snowed. Or blizzarded.

I was a bit stunned.

Then, to top it off, it happened again. And again. I kid you not. Truly some bizarre weather. By the end of the day, I think the outside temperature had dropped 20 degrees, the wind was blowing like crazy, and the snow from the final blizzard was blowing all over the place.

That's what I like on a Sunday. A good bit of drama.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


I just returned from voting and had to note some of things I love about doing it here in my current hometown:

1. When they check my name off the list, I see that about 98% of folks are registered Democrats. Yeah, I know that heterogeneity is good, but heck, it's nice to be surrounded by pretty-much-likeminded folk.

2. There are tons of voting stations near me, so my voting site feels homey. The same warm, older folks greet me and thank me for voting each time I do it. We bubble in our votes in black marker. I usually know the name of one person or another on the ballot running for something local. I love knowing that I inserted ballot 304 into the voting machine today.

3. Somehow it's always raining when I vote. I feel extra gratitude and respect for those hearty supporters who stand outside the polling place in the rain, signs covered in clear plastic in order to drum up last-minute support for their candidates of choice.

Intrigued to see the results on this most super of Tuesdays....