This week we paid our final visit of the season to our beloved Lindentree Farm. I love our summertime ritual of visiting the farm weekly, gathering our food from the CSA area and the fields themselves. Playing, eating, exploring. Wondering about leaves, bugs, plants, and flowers.
It brings a nice, slow rhythm to our lives, and it connects to the earth, to the source of our food. I always feel a whistful loss at the end of the season. This week it was cold on our visit, and as I enjoyed the coolness on my cheeks and the warmth of my sweatshirt, a small bit of loneliness crept into my heart as I knew we wouldn't repeat this ritual until the rebirth of next season.
Yet the sadness couldn't last long as I watched the lovely farm pixies scamper among the raspberry bushes hunting for those last few blushes of fruit while the sun set ever-so-quickly overhead.
By the time we were vaguely smeared with reddish berry juice the moon had risen full behind the trees.
'Twas a peaceful end to the season.

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