In which a school-loving graduate student reflects on the balance and intersections among her life as a doctoral candidate, her love of all things knitting-related, and her adventures mothering an amazing boy along with her wife!

Monday, January 7, 2008

NO! Not on NPR, of all places....

Heard within minutes, during a story on how "added fees" are fleecing America.

PIN number
ATM machine

On NPR. Really.



Anonymous said...

Yikesarooni. On NPR. I can't even imagine how much of an earful they got about that.

Just caught up on the recent posts. Glad to see you're back at it. And glad to know you're yarning, though here today, in MAINE it was 58 degrees.

Anonymous said...

What's a girl got to do around here to get something else to comment on?

Just lookin' forward, is all...