In which a school-loving graduate student reflects on the balance and intersections among her life as a doctoral candidate, her love of all things knitting-related, and her adventures mothering an amazing boy along with her wife!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

a bit of knitting, and some things i can't get behind

A bit of knitting:

I've recently started fetching, in a lovely, soft sage cashmerino. It's my first experience with cables, and I'm liking them. There are few enough that I am now past them on the first mitt, so I can feel accomplished having tried a new technique and that I'm now beyond that part of the pattern. A double winner. Can't wait to be finished with these so that I can keep my hands and wrists toasty within them. (pics to come)


Romney, saying right now that we need to teach kids to get married before having babies. In order to "strengthen our families." That we need to thank Bush for keeping us safe for the last six years. That we need to grow our military even further. This man, and those who stand with him in the party, make me cringe. They bring a narrow perspective to the game. They cater to a narrower swath of the population. Yet somehow get so many on their bandwagons. Gringe, I tell you. Oh, and apparently by voting for him you'll make every dream of "the children of America" possible. Yeah right.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's so funny because fetching was my first cable project! It's really a great first cable project, isn't it?

FYI: I'm mailing your package today! Yay!