Although chagrined that he couldn't do this homework at his desk, Q was excited. We made a plan that one of the foods would be hot dogs (turkey dogs). He'd previously eaten them, so we thought a reintroduction might be good, as opposed to something completely new. But when it came time to actually eat it, it took a lot of persuasion. Finally, the camera did the trick.
I present you with, "The drama of Q: Hotdog eating."
Coda: The next time he was served a hot dog, he wouldn't touch it. Not a bite. Even with the camera.
I give up.
PS: Who can help me make these pics bigger?????
Can't help with the pic size on blogger but I CAN tell you that there is no way to make the pics any damn cuter! That was a good idea. You're going to have to bust out the video camera next time. t
It doesn't give you the potion (sic) to choose small, medium, or large when you upload 'em.
Agreed, they couldn't be cuter, by the way...
Awful lotta bloggin' goin' on over there chez vous two/three.
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