In which a school-loving graduate student reflects on the balance and intersections among her life as a doctoral candidate, her love of all things knitting-related, and her adventures mothering an amazing boy along with her wife!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

More politics plus some swappage....

I guess it's just the season. But here I am posting for the second time in a few days about politics. Whoa is me, as it's not my usual MO.

But how can I avoid commenting on the lunacy of a president who says he will not sign a bill that eliminates or revises the alternative minimum tax if it requires any new taxes. Namely, the democrats crafted a bill changing the AMT and in turn invoking a new tax related to taxing fund managers (I believe). It's a clear swap of removing taxes from the not super wealthy (middle income only) and placing them instead on the can-"sacrifice"-much-more easily richer folks. But to Bush, this is NOT okay. Of course not. And of course, in the republican mindset, you don't need super-high tax revenue because the name of the game is small government. And yet there's the TRILLIONS we spend on Irag. I don't know where the whole small government thing went. But I do know that the AMT is hurting folks who don't need to be dinged any further. I'm not even one of them, falling way below that income bracket, but I fear that extra penalty one day.

Mostly, I despise the hypocrisy and the mentality of watching out for those who have while giving not an iota for those who don't (can we talk children's health care bill?). Ugh.

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