In which a school-loving graduate student reflects on the balance and intersections among her life as a doctoral candidate, her love of all things knitting-related, and her adventures mothering an amazing boy along with her wife!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Politics. Really? From me?

Here's that online poll/toll that asks you questions and determines which presidential candidate best fits your preferences.

As noted yesterday, Barack came out as my #1. Now, there are many reasons why I like him, and I admit that, whichever democrat wins the primaries will eventually get my vote, but I'm still not sure who will get my primary vote. And he's done a few things that rub me the wrong way, such as bringing an outwardly anti-gay minister with him on some campaign stops. Of course none of the candidates who have a chance are for marriage equality, which totally gets my goat. Political wrangling and positioning is just not my cup of tea. And taking a position because it will get you votes or make you popular with folks. Well, it didn't work too well in middle school (in the long-run), and I don't like it as a political strategy for the highest seat in the land. So it's a tough decision and probably one of the reasons that I don't throw myself full-tilt into the thick of all the political considerations necessary in the next few months. Mostly, I just hope hope hope that a democrat makes it into office.

So, take the poll, share your results, share your thoughts as the primary season encroaches.....

1 comment:

Katie said...

Kucinich showed up as my #1. Funny 'cause I don't really know anything about him. But Barack came out above Hilary (I think it's interesting that we refer to them by first name... Deval too--why is that?)