In which a school-loving graduate student reflects on the balance and intersections among her life as a doctoral candidate, her love of all things knitting-related, and her adventures mothering an amazing boy along with her wife!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

It's snowing!

I'm thrilled! I love snow, particularly the first snow. I love the feeling of peace and quiet that it brings. I could stare out the window at the flakes for hours.

This snow, it's a light one. It won't stick because it's too warm. But it doesn't matter, because it's given me a nice extra dose of peace for the day.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Funny, I was trying to remember how I feel about snow as that first snow fell. I couldn't remember if I was supposed to be excited or annoyed. Mostly I enjoyed it too, but I think I'll remind myself right now...when the first big one comes, I'll be excited!